April 10, 2014

Field of Dreams: The final out

When I began writing this series, I often could see the parallels within my own journey; but as I finish this series, those parallels do not exist. It is not because they are not true of the journey, it's just that I am walking in this right now.
It's always more difficult to reflect on the truth of an experience while forging through it, but when we come through to the other side things look very clear.

At the end of the movie we find our main character, Ray Kinsella, returning home to his family with his two new friends.
Terence Mann and Archie Graham are more important to the story than Ray's could ever be. You see, as I stated this before in the series, our journey is never just for us. Our journey always involves a community or fellowship. This is by design. God did not create us to be alone, thus the reason for woman. However, what we miss, is that God seeks fellowship with US.........I want to pause there and reflect for a moment.
Why then, does God not just make us be his friend? Would you feel an authentic connection with someone you made be your friend?
This will lead us down a slippery slope in a debate of freewill, but ultimately God seeks fellowship with you.

At the end of the day, our hero "Shoeless" Joe, tells Ray the players are going to call it a night, but stops before leaving and asks a question.
"Do you wanna come with us?" Joe invites Terence out with the players. What!!?, Ray asks. He doesn't get it, why would they want Terence and not him. Terence tells Ray why he is being invited instead of him, "I'm unattached, you have a family."
Ray is frustrated. It's not enough that miracles have happened, he wants to be a part of it all. He did everything he was asked to do, and never asked "What's in it for me?" until now.
"Is that why you did this, for you?...I think you better stay here Ray."
So many times we lose focus of why we started our journey in the first place. Someone else reaps a benefit we want, and selfishness takes over. This is the part I find myself in.
The journey is not over. My time has not yet come. I don't want to miss one thing, but my desires may be more of a distraction from the promise.
Ray did his part, but because of his willingness to bring others with him, he has expanded the influence of the Kingdom. This is not always evident when we seek our own understanding.
Because of Ray's boldness, Terence steps out into the unknown, and begins his own faith journey.
When we step out in faith and trust Jesus with our lives, we become a magnet for people who seek peace. The light of Jesus shining from our lives draws them like a moth to a flame. It's how we respond that makes the difference.
Ray's wife Annie tells Ray, "If all these people are gonna come, we got a lot of work to do."
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." Luke 10:2
People will come, people will most definitely come.

Then Joe smiles at Ray and says..."if you build it he will come." Ray sees his father, at a much younger age, but marvels at the miracle laid before him.
"Ease his pain" Ray says about his father...but Joe tells him, "No Ray, it was you."
Many times we set out on our journey to bring healing to others, but eventually we discover it was us who needed healing. Many people who return from the mission field, tell stories of redemption in their own lives because of the people they thought THEY were serving.
Once Ray realizes all that has occurred has brought him to this moment, his heart wells up with the joy of redemption and asks, "Hey Dad....you wanna have a catch?"

Since the beginning of creation to the present day, all God has wanted is to spend time with His children.
  • "If you build it, He will come." Our obedience brings us into an intimacy with our Creator that we all find ourselves longing for. He wants to know you and you to know Him, and He does this through a shared task.
  • "Ease His pain." Ever since the fall of mankind and the entrance of sin and death, our Creator has grieved for us, longing for an intimacy He once had. But out of His perfect holiness, He recognizes the grief in us, that He sent His one and only Son to pay the price for OUR sin.
  • "Go the distance." The journey to find peace needs to walk through the purifying steps of pain. Only through pain do we remember the healing. Don't give up, don't ever give up!!
  • "People will come." No matter what you experience on this journey, it is never just for you. We are being made useful so that God may bring salvation to others. We are His light bearers.
God will never tell you the whole story, nor will He explain His ways, He just wants to give you life and to have it more abundantly.
"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path."  
Psalm 119:105
Will you trust Him?....Will you follow?

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