October 9, 2013

Carpe Diem!!

Sometimes when faced with trials or circumstance, we all lose sight of the path we are on. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed by all of the bombardment that the only natural response is to sit down and cry. Sometimes we pray for God to just tell us what to do only to receive no answer.
After reading the heroic actions of one man on a hill just outside of a little town called Gettysburg; I really began to believe in action. I won't tell you his story here, but I challenge you to read it for yourself.
When walking by faith, typically you need to be walking. My friend has always said, "You take one step toward God, and He will take one step toward you." Although sometimes, that first step looks like a giant canyon.
My favorite illustration of faith, is found in "Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade". At the end of the movie, our hero Indiana needs to get the Holy Grail in order to save his father's life. After surviving a few of the challenges, Indiana is faced with crossing a wide crevice in a cave. The instruction was to "believe in the Lion" or make a "leap of faith". This is where many people lose heart in following God. If it doesn't fall into the rules of the five senses then it must not be. I know God wants so much more for us, but to experience it, calls for unconditional trust of your creator.
#1. The Bible says He will never leave you or turn His back on you. (Deuteronomy 31:6) and #2. He knows the plans He has for you, and they are for good and not harm (Jeremiah 29:11)
You see the issue is not about God not answering your prayer, He is just waiting for YOU to be ready to receive more information. To do that, we need to show we trust Him by taking the first step.
A better way to illustrate this is to tell you how to be a successful trapeze artist. 
When performing a trapeze act there are two people needed; a flyer and a catcher. In order for the flyer to be caught, the flyer waits until their swing has them at the peak of there flight, then they let go with there hands outstretched and still until the catcher catches them. There are two things that make this successful. 1#. You must remain still when flying or it will be incredibly difficult for the catcher. So no flailing about, no matter how scared you feel.
2#. When your swing has you at the top of it's arc, you lose complete sight of the catcher. That is when you let go, with both hands. If you hang on with one hand until you see the catcher, he will miss.
This all sounds a bit extreme, but remember God loves you so much He will stop at nothing to catch your heart. He is even willing to sacrifice His only son for you (John 3:16).
The coolest thing about God, is that if you let go of your trapeze swing and you look more like a chicken trying to fly, God will always catch you before you hit the ground; you just won't see that safety net until your falling.
So when you are faced with a day where you have lost sight of what to do, just trust your creator and DO SOMETHING!!
Decision # 3
The Active Decision

I Am a Person of Action.*

Beginning today, I will create a new future by creating a new me. No longer will I dwell in a pit

of despair, moaning over squandered time and lost opportunity. I can do nothing about the past.

My future is immediate. I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet. When I am

faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act! I seize this

moment. I choose now.

I am a person of action. I am energetic. I move quickly. Knowing that laziness is a sin, I will create

a habit of lively behavior. I will walk with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. The

lifeblood rushing through my veins is urging me upward and forward into activity and accomplishment.

Wealth and prosperity hide from the sluggard, but rich rewards come to the person

who moves quickly.

I am a person of action. I inspire others with my activity. I am a leader. Leading is doing. To

lead, I must move forward. Many people move out of the way for a person on the run; others are

caught up in his wake. My activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow. My

activity will be consistent. This will instill confidence in my leadership. As a leader, I have the

ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness. It is true: An army of sheep led by a lion

would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep!

I am a person of action. I can make a decision. I can make it now. A person who moves neither

left nor right is destined for mediocrity. When faced with a decision, many people say they are

waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me! He has given me a

healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion. I am not a

quivering dog, indecisive and fearful. My constitution is strong and my pathway clear.

Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their mind slowly. Failures make

their decisions slowly and change their mind quickly. My decisions come quickly, and they lead

to victory.

I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous. Fear no longer has a place in my life. For

too long, fear has outweighed my desire to make things better for my family. Never again! I have

exposed fear as a vapor, an impostor who never had any power over me in the first place! I do

not fear opinion, gossip, or the idle chatter of monkeys for all are the same to me. I do not fear

failure, for in my life, failure is a myth. Failure only exists for the person who quits. I do not quit.

I am courageous. I am a leader. I seize this moment. I choose now.

I am a person of action.
* The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews

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